Sunday, February 15, 2015

In the Search for Baby McDowell: WE'RE ADOPTING!!!!!

In the Search for Baby McDowell: WE'RE ADOPTING!!!!!: This is by far the most exciting news we have to share!! after some years of infertility we have decided and hope that it is the will of Go...

In the Search for Baby McDowell: Praying for our Little Miracle as we Begin our Jou...

In the Search for Baby McDowell: Praying for our Little Miracle as we Begin our Jou...: And the work begins,  the past couple of weeks have been busy work, trying to determine what agency we are going to chose if any, what co...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

In the Search for Baby McDowell: Our little Miracle is almost Here!!!

In the Search for Baby McDowell: Our little Miracle is almost Here!!!: We have kept this amazing news to ourselves for quiet some time now, mainly because of fear, of the many scary things that people tell you ...

Our little Miracle is almost Here!!!

We have kept this amazing news to ourselves for quiet some time now, mainly because of fear, of the many scary things that people tell you about adoption, and the countless yet unnecessary blogs I read about it. But we started this journey with you all, and because of your help and prayers we have gotten this far.
We have trusted in the Lord plans since day one, trusted that he would provide the way and will guide our every steps. And he has just done that- “1 Samuel 1:27” tells us the beautiful story of Hannah, the Lord too has heard our prayer and has a baby for us.  A baby girl that we have not met yet, and wont be born for another few months has stolen our heart.
WE WERE MATCHED, WE WERE CHOSEN, by a birth-mom, who saw God in us and decided to chose us to parent the baby she is carrying.  We got the call in November a few days before thanksgiving from the agency; this sweet birth-mom chose us (and not because of my pink shoes) she chose us because of HIM because of God.
We were speechless, motionless, and in shock, I wasn’t sure if I should cry, jump, scream or just sit there and play the conversation over and over in my head (which is what I did) As Jason got home, we hugged with such joy, and peace in our heart, “an unexplainable peace that only comes from God.” We then trusted in this plan, and were (are) over joyous, and over the moon “PARENTS TO BE.”

At the time of match we did not the sex of the baby… we weren’t really concerned about that. But our joy didn’t stop there, birth-mom wanted us to be there the day of the gender ultrasound, and we were. We met her, and spend some time with her, a few hours later as we stood in the sonographers room, it was right there in the big screen, what the sonographer called “there’s the lines,” her heartbeat her little perfect head, I held back my tears, because I knew this would be harder for birth-mom. But as I turned to look at my sweet husband my heart was full, his very handsome dimples were extra dimply and his cheeks rosy as could be. I then knew she had already stolen our hearts. Every day that goes by we thank God for walking every single step with us, for guiding us and protecting us. And know He will continue to do just that, until we hold our little baby in our arms.

It will be 1095 days a few weeks before her due date that we started praying to become parents, it has been a long rough road, with many tears, LOTS of waiting, and SOME MORE waiting. But all along God had a plan, a child, for us.

We have started “nesting” and preparing for her arrival, each and every day her nursery is coming along, and she will be what she already is, a princess of God, a little angel, OUR little miracle.

We will continue to pray without ceasing, for her to make it to our arms, for the birth-mom to find comfort and peace in knowing that she will always know how much she is loved not just by Jason, and me but also by her.  This little baby is so prayed for, so dreamt of, so wished for, and I know God has great plans for her!

Please friends continue to pray for the remaining time of birth-moms pregnancy, for a good delivery, for the placement to be full of God, and comfort, and for this little angel that has already changed our world.

“How can someone so small hold my heart so tightly, when I don’t even know you, but I love you completely”

Laura & Jason