Sunday, December 7, 2014

Our Last Holidays without a baby? MAYBE?

A LOT has happened since our last post-
Were to even begin? the past few months have been full of emotions, great news, sad news, family time, life group time, and time for just us Jason and I to cherish it. As the days go by more people know about our plans and sometime Jason and I sit and talk and ask each other about peoples reactions when they hear that we are adoption, and we even wonder what do others think? and some people have asked us some similar questions that I am so happy to answer.

questions I get all the time:
-why are you so open with your adoption plans?
DO have questions for us? please comment on this post, We would love to answer them for you.. even if we don't know you!
A lot of people think that adoption should be a private matter because of "what others would think" and honestly we have live the vast majority of our lives concern with that, NOT ANYMORE! we are seeking to please no one but only God. we are seeking no approval, or disapproval. We have come to truly realize who cares for us and our happiness, and who simply should not be a priority in our life.
We are open about our plans and tell others just as if any other couple were pregnant, would you want to tell the whole entire world that you are? SO ARE WE, we're just a different kind of pregnant.. as Ive seen somewhere-- we're "Paper Pregnant" and we are full of joy because of it. 

Another big part of our openness about it is because so many people are struggling with Infertility, and have been for so many years, and they are doing it alone. Infertility is hard, and no one should have to do it in silent or alone. So we tell the world we are infertile, but rejoice that adoption will make us parents sooner than later, we know so because we trust in God's promises. 
 The best part about it is, we have found such great support from family, friends, and complete strangers that never imagined could have before. 


The holidays were full of surprises, family time and laughter. Jasons parents came down and so did my family. I don't think anyone can remotely imagine what holidays are like in our household. My parents speak little to no english and his parents speak no spanish.... just take a second and picture that... playing board games. eating around the same table, saying grace. YES it gets interesting, but we wouldn't trade it for the world.  
if you ever tried to get your turkey tender, try this: bake it upside down, we did so (unintentionally) but it WORKED, best turkey ever!! anyways.. food was great but thinking that this could be our last thanksgiving without a baby made it a meaningful one, and so will be the next holidays to come. our very lasts, before our very "firsts"

our Life Group at OCC
Jason and I host a life group (bible study) in our house on wednesdays and God put some amazing couples in our life that meets with us to study the word and learn about God. Early this week we had the opportunity to serve together, and went to Operation Christmas Child to sort boxes, toys, wrap, etc. We laughed and saw some beautiful moments that made us stop and catch our breath. little kids from parts of the world write letters, and pack boxes that will make their way to needy children on the other side of the world, a box carries more than toys, pencils, books; a box carries hope, meaning, love, and GOD. One little card took our breath away (we had to inspect them in case there was money that needs to go on a different pile but we put them back in the same box) a child painted his little hand and placed it on the card, and said to the child receiving it, when you put your hand on mine I will be praying for you. and i thought If the world could be like this, and have the love of a child, this would be a nicer place to live. 

Thankful for them.. always 

I got to meet with some wonderful ladies today, the same ladies that met in a different life group some years ago when i was brand new in my walk with Christ. This ladies were the first ones to hear about us trying to conceive and nothing, were the first to hear about our infertility diagnosis, and each of us took on different roles, and even formed different groups. I would have never imagined in a thousand years, that I would be: one, hosting a life group in my home with my husband, in the journey of adoption because of Gods calling, had partaken on a mission trip that changed my heart. God works miracles in our lives every day, and He continues to surprise me each and every day. it amazes me to see how perfectly he works things out, how each person that crosses out path has and had a purpose, some for just a season, some for the long ride. But each takes up a place in your life, in your heart that time can't wash away. 

I am so thankful, for the beautiful people that I have had the privilege to know, to learn from, and the ones that I have yet to know, because it is not by coincidence but faith that we cross each others paths. This is why Ive decided to let God be God, not question him, not try to understand Him, to not try to be perfect or control it all, but let HIM do it all. Its the hardest thing one can do, but the most liberating feeling to know that He holds the world in his hands, and that He will work things out on his time, and in His way. learning to trust God is the hardest things us Christians have to do, but yet the one that can free us from our worrisome, anxiety, and most importably our fears. 

So friends, please pray not only for us, but for all of those who are in journey of adoption, for the birth moms who have the hardest decision to make for them and their child ,and for those who are struggling through infertility to know adoption is a beautiful way to grow their family.
Stay tuned for HOPEFULLY extremely exiting news SOON. 

I pray for all of those who read our blog, to find a glimpse of Jesus in us and our life and to know that  in him there is love that you can't find anywhere else. 

Merry merry Christmas from this "paper pregnant couple"



  1. You want another couple on your Wedesdays?

  2. We're going through a very similar journey. I just began blogging about it if you'd like to check it out It's a rollercoaster that's for sure!

    1. Hi Cori, Thank you for reading our blog, its being a bumpy ride, but we are so soon to meeting our little baby. I will be reading and following your journey as well!
