Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ready for the next step... "trying" May 2012

So... we're ready to start on our next season, we want to become parents!!  off course everyone around you asks, when are you getting married? we are married now, next... when are you having babies? well we are now ready for that too.. lets see how that goes.. Jason claims he never thought about this, or wanted to in the past but now he's ready, and so am I. Secretly I have always in my heart desired to be a mother and birth a child more than anything, but now, that I have the perfect someone next to me I am definetly ready! Lets hope that it is in the Lords plan also.
And the waiting begins.... Nothing... another month... NOTHING... AND over and over again..

This verse gave us hope in the midst of the new found storm..
"For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay"- Habakkuk 2:3 

The pastor of our church Forest Hill, likes to use this verse when we get into a waiting period of our life, here we are waiting to get pregnant, and nothing. But this verse reminds us that we shall certainly wait because it is not about our timing but Gods timing, so its not late, its just not the appointed time yet.